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scientifically tested toothfreindly



Hipp productsWe all know that consumers are increasingly seeking products with health credentials. One of the most effective ways to show consumers that your products promote oral health is to signpost them with the Toothfriendly label. Here are few tips how you can make the most of it:

Be visible. Display the Toothfriendly trademark prominently on the front label of your product.

Be consistent. Use the Toothfriendly label in all promotional materials, such as

  • Print and TV ads
  • Websites
  • Product catalogs
  • Internal and external PPT-presentations
  • Social media

Be precise. Explain who is behind the Toothfriendly label by using one of these example messages:

  • This product is approved by Toothfriendly International. Toothfriendly International is a non-profit organisation working for better oral health.
  • Toothfriendly International is a non-profit organisation with over 30 years' experience in testing and certifying guaranteed Toothfriendly products.

Be a resource. Use your website or social media platforms to tell your customers, employees and the public about your Toothfriendly certification. Here are some examples:

  • Our product is guaranteed safe for teeth and carries the Toothfriendly label as a recognition of its non-carioegenic and non-erosive quality. In order to carry the Toothfriendly label, a product must pass a standardized intra-oral plaque-pH telemetry test developed at the University of Zurich. This test is now accepted, worldwide, as a valid indicator of „safe for teeth“ foods.

Be honest. Do not use exaggerated claims („anti-caries“) in connection with the Toothfriendly label.

Sidebar Certification



The Toothfriendly label is registered as a certification mark (Nr. 1598557) in the European Union, Great Britain and Turkey. It indicates that the goods and services bearing this label comply with a given standard set out in the Regulations of Use, thus lead to higher credibility and trust among consumers.

The Toothfriendly label is registered as a certification mark ("Garantiemarke") also in Switzerland. In other countries, the Toothfriendly label is registered as trademark and may be used as a quality seal.


The EU Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims made on foods was adopted in December 2006. For the first time, the EU Member States have harmonised rules for the use of food-related health claims.

According to the Health Claim Regulation, all health claims that are not specifically permitted or are still under evaluation, must disappear from the food labels by December 2012. However, products bearing trademarks (such as "Toothfriendly") or brand names exisiting before 1 January 2005 may continue being marketed until 19 January 2022 after which the provisions of the new Regulation apply.

Starting from 20 January 2022, all products that carry the Toothfriendly label sold in the EU should be accompanied with an authorized health claim. An example of such a claim is "Consumption of foods containing sorbitol instead of sugar contributes to the maintenance of tooth mineralization." The authorized claim should be made next to the Toothfriendly label, ideally in the same field of vision. The Toothfriendly label and authorized health claim may also be placed on different sides of the package if they are linked together with an asterisk (*). However, the consumer shall be able to easily and readily link them together.